INTENSE, 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Status of research work:
• Overview of performed tests, collected data, field works, content and preliminary results of data processing
The collection and systematic analysis of scientific sources of information on the research topic.
• 10 most important articles, book chapters etc, with short summary:
Meetings with supervisors:
• October 1, 2021, Department of Environmental Monitoring and Preservation
• discussion of the dissertation topic, its relevance before presentation at the Academic Council;
• November 20, 2021, Department of Environmental Monitoring and Preservation
• discussion of the individual plan before presentation at the Academic Council
Courses completed during academic year:
• Philosophy of Science & Science Methodology, 5 ECTS, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
• Natural Resource Science, 6 ECTS, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
• Foreign language for graduate students, 10 ECTS, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
In-service training in foreign university/laboratory:
• 13-27 September, 2021, Yaremche, Ukraine
• Conduct a study of green and blue infrastructure of small towns; to find common and distinctive features of the problems of green and blue infrastructure in 4 cities of Ukraine; propose solutions to improve the green and blue infrastructure of small towns;
• Results: A project to solve the problems of green and blue infrastructure of small cities was presented, 180 hours of lectures on green and blue infrastructure were listened to, 6 ECTS were received, as evidenced by the certificate.
Performance at conferences:
• Socio-ecological resilience across Eurasia – Innovation for sustainability transition, October 5-6, 2021;
Sewage treatment plants in small towns of Ukraine.
M. Martyniuk A. Hrechko O. Lenevych;
• XVII All-Ukrainian scientific Taliev readings, October 21, 2021;
Possibilities of implementation of the green-blue infrastructure strategy for solving the drainage problem in small towns;
poster presentation;
• XVII All-Ukrainian scientific Taliiv readings, October 21, 2021;
Green and blue infrastructure of small towns (for example, Yaremche, Ukrainian Carpathians). M. Martyniuk A. Hrechko O. Lenevych
Performance at doctoral seminars:
• Name, time and place of event
• Title of presentation
Performed teaching:
• Philosophy of Science & Science Methodology
1. Science and various ways of cognitive development reality.
2. Logic and methodology of science.
• Summer school in Yaremche
1. Increasing flood risk in Alpine region;
2. Green infrastructure modelling: production process in plants;
3. Basic concepts for peri-urban development;
4. Reconciling cities with urban nature: towards the integration of ecosystem disservice in inclusive spatial planning:
5. Are the roofs of existing buildings suitable for greening? Assessment of the prefabricate buildings potential to install green roofs in the context of UHI ;
6. City sustainability in mountains context. A case of Ukraine Carpathians;
7. Green infrastructure and nature-based solution in Estonia;
8. Raising biodiversity in urban green spaces;
9. Sustainability urban drainage-systems;
10. Disaster floods on the rivers of the Earth and Ukraine as a risk factor for sustainability development of mountains area;
11. Soft and green measures to successfully restore surface water bodies for recreation purpose. A case of study from Vienna.
• Foreign language for graduate students
Supervision or co-supervison
• Name of the student,
• Level (BSc, MSc)
• Name of the curriculum
• Title on the thesis
Participation on research projects:
• "Innovative approaches to soil exploitation in conditions urban landscape ",
• non-financing
• Maksymenko Nadiya
writing conclusions to work
Articles published:
• Articles in Web of Science and/or Scopus-indexed journal:
1. Kucher A., Hrechko A. Assessment and analysis of regional features ofиresource-saving land use for sustainable management. Scientific Papers: Series «Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development». 2021. Vol. 21. Is. 1. Pp. 431–441.
• Articles in international publications
1. Hrechko A. A., Kochanov E. O. Use of international experience in waste management in Ukraine. Сongress proceedings - IV International scientific congress society of ambient intelligence 2021 (student sections), Praha Oktan print, 2021. P. 307-309.
2. M. Martyniuk A. Hrechko O. Lenevych. Sewage treatment plants in small towns of Ukraine. Socio-ecological resilience across Eurasia – Innovation for sustainability transition (Tartu/online, October 5-6, 2021). p.19-21
• Articles in national publications
1. Hrechko A. A., Kochanov E. O. Expanding knowledge in waste management to implement positive experience of EU countries. Academic and scientific challenges of diverse fields of knowledge in the 21st century. clil in action : матеріали X Всеукраїнської наукової конференції з міжнародною участю (12 березня 2021 року). С. 242-248.
2. Гречко А. А., Мірошник Ю. В. Про проведення І міжнародної інтернет- конференції «Актуальні проблеми формальної і неформальної освіти з моніторингу довкілля та заповідної справи». Людина та довкілля. Проблеми неоекології. Т. 35, с. 151-153.
3. Гречко А. А. Неформальна екологічна освіта на території об’єктів ПЗФ. Актуальні проблеми формальної і неформальної освіти з моніторингу довкілля та заповідної справи : збірник тез доповідей I Міжнародної інтернет-конференції (м. Харків, 26 лютого 2021 року). Харків: Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2021. С. 59-60.
4. Леневич О. І., Гречко А. А., Мартинюк М. О. Зелено-голуба інфраструктура малих міст (на прикладі м. Яремче, Українські Карпати). Охорона довкілля: зб. наук. статей ХVІІ Всеукраїнських наукових Таліївських читань. Харків: ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2021. С. 107 – 111.
5. Гречко А. А. Можливості впровадження стратегії зелено-блакитної інфраструктури для вирішення проблеми водовідведення в малих містах. Охорона довкілля: зб. наук. статей ХVІІ Всеукраїнських наукових Таліївських читань. Харків: ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2021. С. 29 – 30.
Public engagement and outreach
• Publications aimed at a non-academic audience (such as popular science texts, newspaper features etc)
• Public lectures
• Media participation (such as interviews or comments)
• Blogs or social media accounts
• Work on advisory panels for social and cultural engagement;
• Industry or government or non-government organisation
Business and community
• Patent
• Membership of public or government advisory or policy group or panels
Activity plan for the next academic year
1. To analyze research methods, their synthesis and application in work
2. Carry out an inventory of the green infrastructure of the city of Chuguiv. Interpret the obtained data.
3. To develop a comprehensive model of surface runoff for the city of Chuguiv.
4. Preparation of scientific publications and presentations of research results.
5. To study on disciplines: Modern aspects of rational use of natural resources; Sustainable Development; Environmental Management Practices.