Erasmus Intense

PhD Portfolio

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Portfolio of the PhD student

Name and Surname: Vladyslav Mykhailenko
Structural unit (department, institute): Odessa State Environmental University. Ecology and Environment Protection Department
Curriculum title: Ecology
Thesis title: The main sources of unintentionally formed POPs generation and their impact on the environment of the Odessa industrial-and-urban agglomeration
Supervisor(s): Tamerlan A. Safranov

Name and Surname: Anna Ilina
Structural unit (department, institute): Odessa State Environmental University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection
Curriculum title: 103 Earth Sciences
Thesis title: MODELING OF THE PROCESS OF FORMATION OF OAT CROPS IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE / Моделювання процесу формування врожаїв вівса в степовій зоні України в умовах зміни клімату
Supervisor(s): Anatolii Polovyi, Doctor of Sciences in Geography, Professor

Name and Surname: Anna Bohushenko
Structural unit (department, institute): Odessa State Environmental University
Curriculum title: Earth Sciences
Thesis title: Dynamics of extreme temperatures and precipitation in Ukraine in the context of modern climate change. Динаміка екстремальних температур та опадів в Україні в умовах сучасних кліматичних змін.
Supervisor(s): Sergiy Stepanenko, Doctor of Science in Geophysics. Inna Khomenko, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Name and Surname: Maksym Martyniuk
Structural unit (department, institute): Hydrometeorological Institute OSENU
Curriculum title: Earth Sciences, Hydrology
Thesis title: Floods on the rivers of the Vistula basin within Ukraine, methods for determining their characteristics and risk assessment (Повені на річках басейну Вісли в межах України, методика визначення їх характеристик та оцінка ризиків)
Supervisor(s): Valeriya Ovcharuk (Dr of Science, Geography)

Name and Surname: Andrii Solontsov
Structural unit (department, institute): Hydrometeorological Institute OSENU
Curriculum title: Earth Science, Oceanology
Thesis title: Indicators of the effectiveness of integrated coastal zone management at the level of administrative-territorial units (Індикатори ефективності комплексного управління прибережною зоною моря на рівні адміністративно-територіальних одиниць)
Supervisor(s): Yurii S.Tuchkovenko (Dr of Science, Geography)

Name and Surname: Vladislav Voronin
Structural unit (department, institute): V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of environmental management and protected areas
Curriculum title: 103 “Earth Science”, program 11.00.11 – Constructive Geography and rational use of nature resources
Thesis title: Assessment of ecosystem services of forest landscapes of the Kharkiv region and forecast of their use Оцінка екосистемних послуг лісових ландшафтів Харківської області та прогноз їх використання
Supervisor(s): Doctor of Science (Geography), professor, head of Department of environmental management and protected areas Nadiya Maksymenko

Name and Surname: Alina Hrechko
Structural unit (department, institute): V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of environmental management and protected areas.
Curriculum title: 103 “Earth Science”
Thesis title: Landscape- ecological bases of territorial organization of green-blue infrastructure of small towns (on the example of Chuguiv); Ландшафтно-екологічні основи територіальної організації зелено-блакитної інфраструктури малих міст (на прикладі м. Чугуїв)
Supervisor(s): Doctor of Science (Geography), professor, head of Department of environmental management and protected areas Nadiya Maksymenko Doctor of Philosophy (Geography), Senior Researcher of Estonian University of Life Sciences Anton Shkaruba

Name and Surname: Svitlana Burchenko
Structural unit (department, institute): V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of environmental management and protected areas
Curriculum title: 103 “Earth Science”, program 11.00.11 – constructive geography and rational use of nature resources
Thesis title: Construction-geographical bases of green infrastructure concept for Kharkiv Region Конструктивно-географічні основи реалізації концепції зеленої інфраструктури для Харківської області
Supervisor(s): Doctor of Science (Geography), professor, head of Department of environmental management and protected areas Nadiya Maksymenko Doctor of Philosophy (Geography), Senior Researcher of Estonian University of Life Sciences Anton Shkaruba

Name and Surname: Anastasiia Klieshch
Structural unit (department, institute): Karazin Institute of Environmental Science, department of environmental monitoring and protected areas
Curriculum title: Constructive geography and rational use of natural resources
Thesis title: Optimization of the territorial structure of land use in Kharkiv using the landscape - ecological planning Оптимізація територіальної структури землекористування м. Харків засобами ландшафтно-екологічного планування (in Ukranian)
Supervisor(s): Nadiya Maksymenko

Name and Surname: Victoria Dudchenko
Structural unit (department, institute): V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Curriculum title: Ecology
Thesis title: Medico-ecological assessment of regional landscape systems (for the example of Kharkiv region)
Supervisor(s): Prof. Nadiya Maksymenko - Doctor of Sciences (Geographic), Full Professor, Head of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management of the Karazin Institute of Environmental Sciences

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