Erasmus Intense

PhD Portfolio

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Name and Surname: Andrii Solontsov
Structural unit (department, institute): Hydrometeorological Institute OSENU
Curriculum title: Earth Science, Oceanology
Thesis title: Indicators of the effectiveness of integrated coastal zone management at the level of administrative-territorial units (Індикатори ефективності комплексного управління прибережною зоною моря на рівні адміністративно-територіальних одиниць)
Supervisor(s): Yurii S.Tuchkovenko (Dr of Science, Geography)


Status of research work:

•        Overview of performed tests, collected data, field works, content and preliminary results of data processing.


- analysis of the existing systems of sustainable development indicators for coastal zones and methods to calculate their parameters aimed to assess relevance and feasibility of their use various administrative territorial units-wide;

- formation of a set of indicators and parameters for assessment of environmental sustainability of coastal zones, relative value of their resources for the integrated territorial communities, risks associated with the impact of natural (in the context of climate change) and anthropogenic factors, environmental management performance, monitoring of progress in the management system various administrative territorial units wide, with regional specificity taken account of;


•        4 most important articles, book chapters etc, with short summary

1.       C. Gilbert (Ed.). Drukarnia WL. State of the Coast of the South East Baltic: an indicators-based approach to evaluating sustainable development in the coastal zone of the South East Baltic Sea. Gdańsk. 2008. 158 p. URL :

2.       Cвітова практика інтегрованого керування та оцінювання сталого розвитку прибрежних зон / Г. О. Статюха, І. М. Джигирей, Д. В. Чашник, Д. Р. Коломієць. Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. 2011. № 2(4).  С. 59-67. URL :

3.       Coastal and marine nature management: theory, indicators, regional peculiarities.  Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2010. 308 p.

4.       Плинк H.Л., Гогоберидзе Г.Г. Политика действий в прибрежной
зоне. - СПб.: изд. РГГМУ
, 2003. - 226 с.   


Meetings with supervisors:

•        Date, place – as needed, at the OSENU or remotely

•        Main topics, tasks – Topics related to indicators of integrated coastal zone management


Courses completed during academic year:

•        Name of subject, Volume ECTS, University

•        The Summer School Green & Blue Infrastructure in a Post-Communist City: Exploring Legacies and Developing Innovation, held on 13-27 September in Yaremche, Ukraine. (6 ECTS)


Performance at conferences:

•        Solontsov AI Modern methods of integrated coastal zone management / Proceedings of the XX scientific conference of young scientists of Odessa State Environmental University, April 26-30. Odessa: OSENU. 2021. p.205-206 (Oral presentation)




Activity plan for the next academic year

-        Writing an article based on research results.



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