Erasmus Intense

PhD Portfolio

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Name and Surname: Khishigjargal Budjav
Structural unit (department, institute): Geography and geology department, Khovd State University, Mongolia
Curriculum title: Geography
Thesis title: Hedonic Analysis of Land Prices Focusing on Urban Amenities: A Case Study of Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia
Supervisor(s): Bayarkhuu.B Ph.D of Geography, professor. Khovd State University

Information on academic year No. 1-4

Status of research work:

·       “Urban cadaster” Agency of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography. 2018.

·        “Land use changes and its influencing factors in forest ecological zone of Mongolia”, Institute of Geography-Geoecology. Completed 2014-2017.

·       “Assessment of land price and mapping of multiple land use of Mongolia”, Institute of Geoecology. Completed 2010-2014.

·       “Pasture Land Ecosystem and Land Use Management in Mongolia”, Institute of Geoecology. Completed 2007-2010. 

·       Climate and biomass monitoring of Semi desert area /Khovd state university Field station/ 2019-2022


Performance at conferences:

·       Workshop on “The Joint Crediting Mechanism towards Sustainable Low-Carbon Society Development in Mongolia”, Chinggis Khan Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, February 13th, 2015.

·       Seminar on the “Desertification, Land Degradation and Education”, Institute of Geoecology, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia October 22nd, 2011.

·        B. Khishigjargal, Ya. Baasandorj, R. Delgertsetseg, Sh. Dolgormaa, N. Khishigsuren, A. Badam. Land degradation and its factors: A case study of Zuunburen soum, Mongolia. The 33rd International Geographical Congress.  Hold on 21-25 August, 2016. Beijin, China.

·       Khishigsuren N., Khishigjargal B., Dolgormaa Sh., Baasandorj Ya” Herder communities participations in the pasturelands management in Mongolia //Meeting of Asia and Pacific Nation Network and International Conference Of Woman in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Hold on 27 June, 2015 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia//

·       Khishigjargal Budjav; Yoshiro Higano; Yabar  Mostacero Helmut.
Valuation of environmental amenities in urban land price: A case study in the Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. Japan region Society 50th Annual Meeting /October 10-14, 2013/

·       Khishigjargal B., Baasandorj Ya. 2012. The ecological impact of land use in central region of Mongolia.  Symposium of central region’s development, sciences and technology.

·       Khishigjargal B Precautionary of land degradation and Optimum pasture management in the forest-steppe ecological zones in Mongolia, I N T E N S E O p e n S c i e n c e C o n f e r e n c e Online/Tartu, Estonia, 5-7 October 2021. Socio-ecological resilience across Eurasia innovation for sustainability transition


Articles published:

·        Khishigjargal B. Baasandorj Ya, Dolgormaa Sh, Delgertsetseg R, Khishigsuren N. 2016. Factors influencing on land use and vegetation cover changes in Javkhlant soum of Selenge aimag. Geoecological issues in Mongolia. 106-110p.

·        Khishigjargal B., Khishigsure N., Delgertsetseg R., Unurnyam J. 2015. Ecological state of agriculture land in Saikhan soum of Selenge province, Mongolia ”Current environmental issues-approaches to solutions” Research conference book №78, 78-83 p.

  • Khishigjargal B., Khishigsuren N., Dolgormaa Sh. 2015. “Bioloical rehabilitation in the degraded land, a case study of Shariingol soum of selenge aimag in Mongolia” //Mongolian journal of agricultural sciences vol.15(02), 106p.

·        Khishigsuren N., Dolgormaa Sh., Khishigjargal B., Altanzul R. 2014. Pastureland vegetation changes in Selenge aimag of Mongolia. Publication of Research institute of Animal Husbandry. Ulaanbaatar. Volume 36. 36-139p.

·        Baasandorj Ya., Dolgormaa Sh., Khishigjargal B., Khishigsuren N., Badam A., Saindowdon D. 2014. Qualitative assessment of vegetation covers in forest zone in northern part of Mongolia. Symposium on Land management in 60 years. Ulaanbaatar. Soyombo printing. 326-340p.

·        Khishigjargal Budjav. 2013.Valuation of environmental amenities in urban land price: A case study in the Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia, JDS Annual Symposium, Tsukuba Japan.

·        Khishigjargal Budjav. 2014. Hedonic Analysis of Land Prices Focusing on Urban Amenities: A Case Study of Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia. Publication of young scientist conference of Khurel Togoot. Ulaanbaatar. Volume 34.

·        Khishigjargal Budjav & Park Hyo Jung. 2010. Indoor air pollution from solid fuels and its effect on health. Publication of young scientist conference of Khurel Togoot. Ulaanbaatar. Volume 

·        Baasandorj Ya and Khishigjargal B. 2012. The ecological impact of land use in central region of Mongolia. Symposium of central region’s development, sciences and technology. Ulaanbaatar. 187-199p.   


Activity plan for the next academic year

·        Writing an article in Web of Science and/or Scopus-indexed journal



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