Erasmus Intense

PhD Portfolio

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Name and Surname: Kateryna Husieva
Structural unit (department, institute): Odessa State Environmental University
Curriculum title: Constructive Geography and Rational Nature Use
Thesis title: Environmental Status and Quality in the Urban Areas (on the Case Study of Odessa)
Supervisor(s): Tamerlan Safranov, Dr. of Science (Geol.-Min.), Prof.

Within the period of my study at Odessa State Environmental University for MSc degree I obtained a background in Optimization of Nature Management, Methodology and Engineering of Research, Environmental Quality Analysis, Up-to-Date Methods for Environmental Protection, Environmental Management and Audit, Strategy for Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy, Issues of Environmental Education, etc.

In addition, I took courses on 'Adaptation and Adaptive Governance of Ecosystems' (CEU, Hungary, June-July 2011), “Curriculum Development” (Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland, November 2017) and ‘The Precautionary Principle in Sustainability Transitions: Thinking forwards, Looking backwards, Acting’ (INTENSE Summer school in Budapest, Hungary, June-July 2018 ).

During my PhD studies, I conducted practical classes in General Ecology and Neoecology for BSc students.

My PhD studies under the speciality of Constructive Geography and Rational Nature Use resulted in the thesis on ‘Environmental Status and Quality in the Urban Areas (on the Case Study of Odessa)’, which was successfully defended at OSENU on 15 February 2018.

Key publications

1. Gusyeva, K.D., Safranov, T.A. (2018). Integrated Assessment of the Environmental Quality in Odessa Agglomeration. Urban Climate, 25, 1–8.

2. Safranov, T., & Husieva, K. (2016). Balanced Mineral Composition of Drinking Water as an Influence on the Public Health at the Urban Agglomerations of the Northwestern Black Sea Region. Olena Mitryasova, Chad Staddon (Eds.). Water Security: Monograph. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU - Bristol: University of the West England, United Kingdom, 192-207.

3. Safranov, T., Polishchuk, A., & Husieva, K. (2016). Balanced Mineral Composition as an Indicator of Drinking Water Quality. Acta Facultatis Studiorum Humanitatis et Naturae Universitatis Presoviensis, Natural Sciences, Vol. XLIII, biology – ecology, 96-104. Presov University, Slovak Republic – Grafotlac, s.r.o.

4. Safranov, T., & Husieva, K. (2015). Balanced Mineral Composition as an Indicator of Drinking Groundwater Quality for Industrial-And-Urban Agglomerations in the Northwestern Black Sea Region. Scientific Bulletin of North University Center of Baia Mare, Series D, Mining, Mineral Processing, Non-ferrous Metallurgy, Geology and Environmental Engineering, Vol. XXIX, 1, 23-31. Publishing House of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - UTPRESS. 

5. Gusyeva, K.D., & Safranov, T.A. (2013). Adaptive Capacity of the Coastal Zone within the Odessa Agglomeration. ‘Nauka i studia’ Journal, 29(97), 47-54. Przemyśl, Poland. Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Nauka i studia».

6. Safranov, T.A., Polishchuk, A.A., Volkov, A.I., Guseva, Ye.D., Konkova, A.I., & Yarchuk, Yu.A. (2013). Physiological Adequacy of the Mineral Composition of Drinking Waters in Odessa Agglomeration. Vìsn. Odes. derž. ekol. unìv., 15, 5-16. Odessa (In RU)

7. Gusyeva, K.D. (2012). Structural Analysis as an Evaluation Tool for Adap-tive Capacity in the Odessa Coastal Area. Vìsn. Odes. derž. ekol. unìv., 14, 48-55.

8. Gusyeva, K.D., Pylypenko, G.P., & Safranov, T.A. (2012). Landscape Prerequisites for Urban Ecosystem Pollution (with the City of Odessa taken as an Example). Vìsn. Odes. derž. ekol. unìv., 13, 17-28. Odessa: ‘TES’. (In UA)

9. Chugai, А.V., Guseva, K.D., & Kukuy, D.V. (2012). Pollution of Odessa Atmospheric Air. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, 1-2, 20-26. Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. (In UA)

10. Safranov, T.A., Gusyeva, K.D., Polischuk, A.A., Goltsov, V.I., Shanina, T.P., & Boyaryntsev, Ye.L. (2011). Quality of the Source of Centralized Water Supply of the Odessa Industrial-and-Urban Agglomeration. Vìsn. Odes. derž. ekol. unìv., 11, 17-26. Odessa: ‘TES’ Publishing House. (In UA)

11. Husieva, K.D., Boyaryntsev, Ye.L., Safranov, T.A., Polishchuk, A.A., & Goltsov, V.I. (2011). Influence of the Hydrological Regime of the Dniester River on the Quality of Centralized Water Supply for Odessa Agglomeration. Bulletin of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 42, 62-68. Odessa (In RU)

12. Gusyeva, K.D. (2010). Estimation of Natural Environment Quality in the Odessa Agglomeration. Vìsnik Odesʹkogo deržavnogo ekologìčnogo unìversitetu, 9, 25-35. Odessa: ‘TES’ Publishing House. (In UA)



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